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Home Climate-resilient designs future-proof buildings in Canadian cities

Climate-resilient designs future-proof buildings in Canadian cities

We are excited to share that our CEO and Founder, Ryan Zizzo, was recently featured in The Globe and Mail, discussing climate-resilient design and future-proofing buildings in Canadian cities. Ryan’s insights highlight the importance of sustainable architecture and innovative building strategies to combat the impacts of climate change.

Ryan and the Mantle Developments team have been pivotal in supporting initiatives like the City of Toronto’s cap on embodied carbon in new construction and the federal Standard on Embodied Carbon in Construction. Their efforts are setting new benchmarks in sustainability and reducing the construction industry’s carbon footprint.

Join us in celebrating this milestone, and read the full interview here.

Link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-climate-resilient-designs-future-proof-buildings-in-canadian-cities/

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