Climate Leaders Excel in Looking After Three Things: Emissions, Climate Risk, and Climate Disclosures.
Companies that build or produce real assets—buildings, materials, commodities, hardware—face big challenges. Your climate risks are real. You deal with significant disclosure pressure. And the nature of your business means that you are among the biggest emitters.
We understand. Our services are uniquely suited to you.

Emissions Management
Mantle will help you measure, analyze, and reduce your carbon footprint.
As many practitioners know, measuring is harder than it looks. We work with you to identify available data sources for baseline measurement and help you improve that data over time. Within a couple of years, your data will become a strategic asset.
Embodied Carbon
Mantle is unique in its specialized expertise in managing embodied carbon. For years, we have been working with organizations that build things – helping them measure and reduce the carbon footprints of the things they build.
Whole-building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Mantle can help you decarbonize your next project, meet embodied carbon standards, and quantify your construction-related emissions for your corporate inventory.
We use our proprietary methodology and software tools to help our clients achieve their embodied carbon goals.
Product and Material LCA & Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)
Manufacturers are under increasing pressure to decarbonize their operations and address emissions hot spots in their supply chains. However, without product-level emissions baselines, it’s hard to know what to do and when.
We help our clients map and reduce emissions, get credit for their work through publishing EPDs, and quantify their product-related emissions for their corporate inventory.
Corporate Emissions
Whether or not you work with us on embodied carbon initiatives, we can help you establish your annual corporate emissions inventory. We start with big-picture concerns, like what your inventory will be used for, what operations and emissions are most material to you, and what sources and quality of data are currently available.
The result is a practical approach to corporate emissions management with a plan to improve and expand the assessment over time.

Risk Management & Strategy
The impact of climate change is becoming more and more intense. Simply reducing emissions is not enough. Understanding and mitigating climate risks are becoming core to organizations’ business and climate strategies.
From benchmarking assessments to adaptation planning and implementation, Mantle will work with you to become more resilient.
Climate Risk Assessment
To establish your risk baseline—and improve climate-related disclosures and reporting—you need clear insight.
Mantle can:
- help you identify and understand the physical and transition climate risks impacting your business,
- assess your exposure and vulnerabilities, and
- develop an action plan that will inform your business strategy.
Climate Scenario Analysis
We can work with you to develop a range of future scenarios to enhance your thinking and decisions on climate and business resiliency. Diverse, plausible scenarios enable you to evaluate resiliency, manage uncertainties, identify new opportunities, and improve disclosures.
Resilience & Adaptation Planning and Implementation
Beyond strategic planning, we help clients do the hard work of taking tactical action. Based on your company’s climate risk priorities, we can help you identify targeted activities to improve resiliency. We can also help your team execute and report so you deliver real results.

Climate Disclosure & Strategy
Climate disclosure is an actual or de facto requirement in a growing number of jurisdictions. Disclosing results is also an opportunity to differentiate your business.
While the existing global financial regulatory system is starting to take the lead on climate risk and reporting best practices, there is still much room to share what matters to your company.
We can help.
Climate Communications, including Sustainability Reports
Sustainability reports need to fulfill regulatory requirements. But they are also an excellent way to tell your story.
We can help you find your company’s voice while ensuring you align with leading global regulatory frameworks over time.
Target-setting and Transition Planning
Emissions and risk management lead here—this is where impact happens.
We believe in creating informed targets, developing a plan for how to get there, and then managing those targets like you would financial targets. We do this by developing processes to monitor progress and course correct as needed.
Assessments and Certifications
Mantle continues to help clients with their green building certifications, such as LEED, Fitwel, Zero Carbon Building Standards, and the Toronto Green Standard. We have also helped clients achieve their goals in more general assessments and certifications, such as CDP, GRESB, and EcoVadis.
Let us know how we can help.

Research and Policy Development
We support leading policymakers as they develop codes, standards, and innovative best practices to decarbonize and prepare for a changing climate.
We also help our clients stay on top of changing regulations, new technologies, and opportunities.
Our expertise includes:
- low-carbon materials and products
- embodied carbon standards and practices
- circularity
- climate resilience and adaptation